


akiko nishiguchi 西口 彰子

Born in Tochigi, Japan, Akiko Nishiguchi (Soprano) began studying piano, singing, ballet, and traditional Japanese dance at the age of five. She received her Professional Studies Diploma from Mannes College of Music in New York City, where she also obtained her Master's degree. Additionally, she is a graduate of the prestigious Tokyo University of the Arts.

Akiko has won numerous competitions, including the 2nd prize in the Arkadi Foundation Opera Idol Competition, the 3rd prize and Audience Prize at the Neustadter Meistersingerkurse Competition in 2014, and the 2nd prize in the Nikko International Voice Competition in 2015.

On the concert stage, she has performed as a soloist with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Geidai Symphony Orchestra, The Choral-Orchestral Ensemble of New York, MCF Orchestra Tochigi, and the Nippon Symphony Orchestra. Her performance at the Silvester Concert in Worms and Neustadt an der Weinstraße with Die Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie RheinlandPfalz in 2014 was enthusiastically reviewed by Allgemeine Zeitung: “The audience was impressed by the performance of the lovely soprano, Akiko Nishiguchi, and they forgot to breathe when she sang the incredible introduction of the Bell Song from Lakme. Her voice was shining, flexible, had a comfortable vibrato and perfect intonation.”

Well acclaimed as a concert performer, she has given solo recitals at the Japanese embassies in Berlin(2014) and Zagreb (2015), a West Japan Tour in 2019, and performed in the musical play “Cleopatra,” which she planned herself, in 2022.

Akiko's opera roles include Gilda in “Rigoletto” with the Tyrolean Opera Program (Maurach), Najade in “Ariadne auf Naxos” at IVAI in Tel Aviv, and the role of Shaking Mask in the world premiere of Robert Cuckson’s opera “A Night of Pity” in 2010. In Japan, she has performed as Gretel in “Hänsel und Gretel,” Pamina and Papagena in “Die Zauberflöte,” and Frasquita in “Carmen.” Her concert performances include soprano solos in Mozart’s Requiem and Coronation Mass, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 and Mass in C Major (Op. 86), Fauré's Requiem, and Rutter's Requiem.

Her albums include “Buddhist Hymn Songs” (February 2016), “Memory” (September 2017), and “Toi toi toi” (March 2020) with the trio Le Tre Grazie.

Akiko also has a deep interest in the workings of the body through singing. In December 2019, she received her teacher certification from the British Alexander Technique Association (STAT). Currently, she teaches Alexander Technique and singing in Tokyo and Tochigi.

She is frequently requested to give performances, outreach concerts, lectures, and workshops all over Japan, including for schools, choirs, orchestras, and acting training schools.

Since 2010, Akiko has been an ambassador for her hometown of Oyama, and since 2013, an ambassador for Tochigi Prefecture. She has been a lecturer at the Alexander Technique Studio Tokyo since 2017 and at Kunimoto Gakuen from 2021 to 2023.

In 2020, she began studying Buddhism, and after three years of training, she received her license as a Buddhist priest in 2023. Currently, she performs, teaches singing, and holds memorial services.





Testimonial 生徒さんの声
  • 歌の向上のために、アレクサンダーテクニークの先生を探していたところ、先生のYouTube動画を偶然見つけました。美しい立ち姿で歌われる先生、何かヒントをいただけるに違いない!と、即レッスン受講の申し込みをしました。
    心身共にとても健全な西口先生。先生に会うことが楽しみで、毎回多くの気付きと活力をいただいています。先生とのご縁に心より感謝いたします。 (アレクサンダーテクニーク/声楽 教室歴:2年以上 40代女性)
  • 西口先生は、いつも丁寧にそして熱心に教えて下さいます。また、その時の段階に合わせた内容でご指導をして頂きました。アレクサンダーテクニークを交えたレッスンで、身体本来の状態を見直すきっかけにもなり、楽に声が出せるようになりました。志望校合格に導いて下さり、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 (声楽 教室歴:8年以上 10代女性)
  • In my role as a Voice and Speech Coach, maintaining vocal fitness is crucial. But through the Alexander Technique, she reminds and refines my understanding of my body as instrument, thereby enhancing my self-awareness and my intuition of my clients' needs.
    Akiko's teaching style is characterized by kindness and empathy, balanced with structured precision.
    The environment she creates is one of trust and openness, allowing me to learn, grow and confront challenges with 覚悟(Kakugo), appreciation and patience.
    Finding Akiko here in Japan has been a stroke of luck and I am incredibly grateful to be under her guidance. (アレクサンダーテクニーク/声楽 教室歴:1年半以上 発声・スピーチ指導者 Liv Johansson)
  • 先生との出会いは人生の岐路でした。声楽の先生を探し始めて5年目、先生の歌を聞かせていただく機会があり、「あっ、この人だ!」と思いました。予想は的中。現在、ほぼ毎週、声楽とアレクサンダーテクニークのレッスンを受けています。後者では、声を出す前に身体の様々な部位に力が入り、「構えて」しまう癖を”inhibition(抑制・何もしない)”という概念のもとなくすことを学んでいます。先生の明るさと笑顔に励まされ、レッスンの録音を聞くと指導の熱心さと忍耐力には頭が下がります。お陰で2023年には日本クラシック音楽コンクール全国大会の舞台に立つことができました。焦りを感じる時期もありましたが、今は必ず上達すると信じて歌うことを楽しんでいます。西口先生は新たなチャレンジへの意欲を湧き立たせてくださる「元気の源」です。 (アレクサンダーテクニーク/声楽 教室歴:2年以上 60代男性)


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